shrimp question



I have a 50gallon with 2 clowns, a Coral Beauty Angel, and a Bangaii Cardinalfish. I am looking to buy either a cleaner shrimp or a coral banded shrimp. Which one would suit my tank best? It has about 30lbs of LR and a DSB. Which of the shrimp is less aggressive?
Just looking to see which one would suit the tank better. Thanks


Hi and1, I actually have a question for you, I have heard cardinals do better with three or more, how does yours do on its own? I want to get one for my tank eventually but not sure I want three, sorry to get off topic :)

rabid frog

Active Member
It just depends on if you want more shrimp or not.. If you get a coral banded I think they are nortorius for attackin other shrimp, just from Ive read and seen on this board, but I could be wrong


Active Member
CBS's can be a problem for there shrimp tank mates in smaller aquariums, but medium tanks can have CBS's mixed with other shrimp or a mated pair of CBS. Larg tanks can have two CBS's. I beleive you will like the cleaners best they stay out more in the daytime most CBS's kept with fish are nocturnal and remain behind a rock most of the day. Plus they get along with almost everyone.


I have a CBS and a Cleaner along with 6 peppermints. The CB doesnt bother any of them he just hangs in his spot, What happens when the lights go out is another story, but all are doing fine. :cool: But for your size id recommend the cleaner.


I have a cleaner shrimp and he is to cool, Imo this is the one to go with he stays out most of the day and doesnt hide at all, gets along with everyone in my tank.