
how long should i leave the shrimp in the tank, if i get 2 - 2 1/2 pieces of grocery shrimp? Is grocery shrimp all the same size?


I would leave them in the tank until your ammonia levels get to about 3-5ppm. At that time your nitrites will start to elevate. Remove the shrimp but you might leave a small amount behind to continue to add "food" for the bacteria. When your ammonia and nitrites read 0ppm remove any left over shrimp and slowly add fish one at a time. Leave a couple weeks to a month between fish additions to let the bacteria bulk up for the increased bioload.


Active Member
the concept is to add the shrimp into the tank....the shrimp begin to decay (rot) giving off ammonia which spawns the ammonia eating bacteria into action. this creates a microorganism bloom, as these bacteria absorb the ammonia they give off nitrite - which then spawn a microorganism bloom of nitrite eating bacteria. this is why you have an ammonia spike followed by a nitrite spike.
You can remove the shrimp when your ammonia spikes. Your nitrites should spike and when the nitrites reach nearly zero this is the time when you can add some hardy fish (I prefer clowns) and your tank is on it's way.