

New Member
Can a Coral Banded Shrimp and cleaner shrimp co-exist in a 150 gal (going to 180)tank all will there be trouble.


Hit or miss. I've had a coral banded with two cleaners, no problem. I tried a different coral banded in a different tank with one cleaner, and he wouldn't stop trying to kill the cleaner until I took him out of there. He since went into the refugium. Hit or miss!


Active Member
In a tank that larg you should be OK. You usually only have a problem in smaller tanks where the CBS demands the whole tank as his territory.


Active Member
I had three cleaners with a coral banded in an 84 gallon and they never had any problems, but it depends on the shrimp, some will get along and some won't, it just depends on the personality of the shrimp, (and the size of the tank)
In that big of a tank I would have to say you'll be ok because I've seen in a 250g at my friends house he has 3 CBS and 6 Cleaner(have no idea why he did this but oh well..)so all i have to say is go for it and if the CBS starts to bug and hurt the cleaner(s) just tank him out and see iff the LFS will take him back