

It depend on what shrimp your talking about. There are peppermint shrimp that will scavenge for food, sometimes clean your fish if your lucky, and they will eat a bothersome type of anenome that comes along with your live rock sometimes.
Coral banded shrimp basicly only scavenge.
Skunk cleaner shrimp will scavenge for food and clean your fish of parasites.
I would test the water and if everything comes out good i would add the shrimp before the clown.


Active Member
Shrimp are a very good member of the clean up crew. The cleaner shrimp (my fav) will clean parasites off fish such as ich, (but can't cure ich just helps prevent). I also like the peppermint and the camel back shrimp, these are kinda shy but clean up any uneaten food detris and are peacful shrimp, like posted above the coral banded shrimp is aggressive towards other shrimp, it just depens on what shrimp you are talking about.


I have a cleaner, that is a character, will climp up my arm and yank the hairs out!! He has set up a "cleaning station" and the fish practically line up for a cleaning. But sometimes I think he gets a little to aggressive about it, because I have noticed tiny spots on a couple of fish where scales seem to be gone :) I also have a peppermint, he hides during the day and comes out a night, very odd little guy.


i like the cleaner shrimp very active, helps cleans fish, picks up extra food on the bottom. also if you have 2 they will hatch eggs every couple weeks and provide food for fish and filter feeders. also have a pair of blood shrimp they pretty much do the same job but hide a lot more. very pretty shrimp though