I Currently have peppermint shrimp in my tank should I replace them with cleaner shrimp.
lightfoot Member Dec 4, 2001 #1 I Currently have peppermint shrimp in my tank should I replace them with cleaner shrimp.
just_got_tanked Member Dec 4, 2001 #2 Why not have both? Depending on your tank size and how many peppermint shrimp you have there shoudnt be a problem having both. The cleaner shrimp will clean the parasites off fish. I like them for this reason.
Why not have both? Depending on your tank size and how many peppermint shrimp you have there shoudnt be a problem having both. The cleaner shrimp will clean the parasites off fish. I like them for this reason.
clownman Member Dec 4, 2001 #3 If you don't want both in the same tank, build yourself a Refugium and move the papermint shrimp there
If you don't want both in the same tank, build yourself a Refugium and move the papermint shrimp there