
I see a lot of members talking about their cleaner crews. They still stock low on the fish but seem to overload on the inverts. My question is, should inverts be considered as part of the "1 inch of fish per 5g of water in a tank"? What should be considered when buying inverts (i.e.: water parameters). I am aware of compatibility problem w/ certain fish but I am looking to buy a couple of nice looking shrimp. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of shrimp to buy and what is the main things to look into when buying inverts? Also, are certain kinds of the same species of inverts more aggressive than others?


no, that rule does not apply to your clean up crew. check out the reef packages on @ here)that will give you an idea of what you should have
thanks for the info. another quick question: do you have to feed you inverts special food or do they just feed off the tank? I have no algae built up yet, is this a problem?


IMHO, Pacific Cleaners are the best! Mine climb all over my hands, and if I stand next to the tank and ignore them them start throwing themselves against the glass to get my attention :) They also do a good job on cleaning the fish.
I also have a blood/fire shrimp (also a cleaner) but they are more bashful and mostly nocturnal- very beautiful but just not nearly as fun.
crimescenediver i think you're a unique individual, i never even heard of that before. so what made you switch over to law enforcement, actually this is a silly question, lol. could it be the lousy pay, lousy hours, lack of respect, i could go on and on...... I'd rather be divin' too, lol.


Active Member
most inverts are not heardy, they are more sensitive to nitrates and ph and salinity swings than many fish
i have very little experience with peppermints, we had one and the little ba....d tried to annihilate our feather dusters, so after great persistence and many different techniques(in several hours), after being with us 2 weeks, he found himself moving back into his old apartment complex(aka aquarium) at the lfs


Originally posted by CrimeSceneDiver:
<STRONG>. Do you use old IV bags for your doser or am I unique?</STRONG>

i dont think thats quite that unique. ive heard ov people using IV bags. ive also herad of a guy that worked for a hospital that was using and old electric IV dosing unit that was being thrown away because the hospital was upgrading.


Active Member
it is one thing to use a doser, which never comes in contact with the contents of the bag, it merely massages the hose to create a pumping action, and another to use a bag that was once filled