
fish crazy

Ive always wanted to know whats the difference between all the shrimps? Everyone seems to have different ones in the same tank. Do they all do like different jobs?


Active Member
Most of the shrimp in peoples tanks are considered ornamental shrimp. Only certain ones will actually clean fish.....scarlet (or skunk cleaners) are the most popular. There is the fire shrimp that will clean fish, but not as often. These are very pretty, but tend to hide a lot, (also more expensive). Peppermints are popular, but do not clean generally, they are scavengers. All the other types of shrimp are ornamental.
You can house different types of shrimp together as long as the aquarium is large enough for them to pick out their territory. (And no aggresive fish that will make dinner of them.)


Originally Posted by Fish Crazy
what about cleaner shrimp
do you want to know if you can house several togther or with other shrimp? the answer to each is yes. atleast i was able to get away with it until my tank took a nose dive.
Fish-check your other posts


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fish Crazy
what about cleaner shrimp
I'm really confused by what you want to know?

Stores sell "cleaner shrimp", but these are typically scarlet cleaners. Please do some research on the differences of the species. It will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.


Active Member
All shrimps seem to get along and star out of each others way,, my Cleaner and peppermint sometimes rub tentacles together... all shrimps EXCEPT the evil Coral Bandeds..