shroom lighting


I was just checking out some of the mixed shroom rocks for sale on SWF. I only have like 220 watts of PC lighting on my 125gal tank. What are the lighting requirements for such items? I plan to upgrade to at least VHO in the near future. The tank started as FOWLR but I am interested in some other items to "pretty up" the tank. Would like an anemone but thats a long time off for me. I hear some corals have low lighitn needs as well. any help is appreciated!


Active Member
Your lighting should be enough for shrooms or zoos. Theyll strive in your tank but i highly suggest upgrading to vho or mh. Then you shouldnt have any problems keeping anemones or corals. Well no problem with lighting needs.


lol yes th elighting is just a small piece of the puzzle. before buying the shroom rocks what do they eat? are they difficult to keep anything I should watch out for? Tank has been up for around 2 months should I hold off?
thanks for the help!


Active Member
as long as your water params are in line they should be fine. Shrooms are pretty strong and dont need to be fed. They are quite easy to take care of.