shroom on the loose


hey, i have a shroom that i bought from my lfs and they told me to rubber band it to a rock and it will stick in a few days. so i did, the i saw the shroom is "wiggling" out of the band(over the coarse of several hours). shoudl i let it float around till its happy?
Hi oozy, How about trying a piece of cheese cloth over the shroom on the piece of live rock you want it to attach it to and rubber band it in so its not beieng pinched by the rubber band, the cheese cloth will allow water movement to the shroom so it doesnt starve, check it in a week see what happens. cya..fixit ;)


Yes, Cheese cloth does work for attatching mushrooms to rock. It can be purchased in any major grocery store. I tried this recently, and it work pretty well for the most part. The only problem I encountered was that the cheese cloth seemed to get torn apart after just a few days, either from the hermits, or it's deteriating in the salt water enviroment. Anyway, it works, and they should attatch in just a few days. Good luck.


I asked a similar question a while back, and basically the responses i got were all along the lines of: "you can try whatever you want to get the shroom to stick, but if it doesn't like the spot, it won't stay there. period."
Your best bet is to try to put it in a spot of low current where it won't get swept away, or just let find it's own home... it knows best what conditions it likes...