shrunken leather


I purchased a piece of rabbit ear leather, check my other threads, there's a picture, about a month ago. It's been doing wonderfully, was extended almost 3 times it's size from when I first purchased it, polps out and growing. However, this weekend, it shrank back to almost nothing. There's no extention. It is at the top of my tank, 10K and 65K compacts, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates 0 PH - 8.2 salinity 1.025 temp about 78-81 and calcuim 450. This happened Friday I believe.
The only thing I changed was I added a skimmer Wednesday. It's a HOB one and is behind the leather. It was putting out a bunch of micro bubbles but has since stopped. I take it this was from the break in period on the skimmer. I also moved my PH to aim more water movement towards my crushed argonite since I have a cyno outbreak. I returned the PH back to it's orignal place and cut my lights back an hour. My torch had shrank up during the break i period, but is now fully extended and happy as a torch can be.
What if anything can I do to make my leather happy again? Do I need to try relocating it away from the skimmer?


Shedding it's skin? I didn't know leathers did this. What do I need to look for? Forgot to mention it's color's a little off and i can see the spots where it's polps should be, kinda like white dots on a purple grey background. Usually it's a nice healthy flesh color.


Active Member
Yep, they shed and by the sounds of it, yours is about to do it. When you see stuff starting to come off the coral, just take a turkey baster and gently blow it off. Nothing to be over concerned about, it will look good as new in a day or two.


Thanks guys! I was really worried I was about to loose it. I still feel like a newbie to this hobby and have so much to learn.