Shy Anenome??


New Member
allright, so I have a rittori anenome in a 42 gallon Hex tank with a mh and a blue lunar light for at night. It shares a tank with a lemon peel, a clown fish, 2 damsels, and a manderine goby. Now, when I first come home or wake up in the morning the anenome is full and beautiful (about 8 inches across) however, he will soon begin to deflate and open his mouth wide so you can see his insides, or deflate until he is only about 3 inches across. I am not touching him or puting anything in the water to seemingly cause this behavior. LAter on, in several hours he will be big and beautiful again. Whats the deal? Also I am having a hard time feeding him. It has been 2 weeks since I got him and he still wont accept food. I tried Silversides, but he rejects them. Any ideas? He is my first Anenome and I don't want to kill him!!