shy fish and starving to death.

i love fish

1 month ago I purchased a blue streaked gobby and a midas blenny and put them both in QT. They r both healthy but I have 1 problem.... they will not come out at all, they r constantly hiding under the decor and won't even come out to eat.
I have seen the midas blenny come out quickly, snatch the food and hide but apart from that, no other activity.
Last week I noticed the gobby was very thin (obviously due 2 not eating) and afew days later it died.
I'm certain the gobby was not sick, but am afraid the blenny may suffer the same fate if it doesn't eat a decent meal soon.
I'm also afraid that when I put the blenny in the DT it may completely miss meals due to fear of the other fish.
Does any1 have any tips to get this critter to come out and be more social so it can get a decent meal?
I'm feeding mysis shrimp, frozen food with garlic, krill, and occasionally pellet and flake.


try crushing a fresh garlic clove and let food soak in it. Ive found not standing by tank while feeing a shy fish works. They can see outside of aquarium


Active Member
is there another name for the gobie? maybe you weren't meeting it's needs? also, did you paint the bottom of the tank or the sides? did you try algae pellets for the midas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
is there another name for the gobie? maybe you weren't meeting it's needs? also, did you paint the bottom of the tank or the sides? did you try algae pellets for the midas?
i think he is talking about the Golden Headed Sleeper Goby