sick angel part 2

alright, a week or so ago i posted that my passer angel had ick. everyone told me to do hypo so i did. The tanks been at 1.009 for a week now. The problem is that the fish arent really getting better. There arent as many spots now, but now all the fish have cloudy eyes. Could this be a bacterial infection or a symptom caused by ick? Also, my fish dont have as big of appetites as a week or so ago. The hypo doesnt seem like its working. O yeah i tested the water and the ph is 8.2 and all the other things i can test for are fine also. What do i do? Is there some other thing i can do to help them, i really dont want to lose them especiallyt the angel. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
What are you using to measure salinity?
Cloudy eyes are a common symptom of ich, but it can also be a secondary bacterial infection.
i am using a swing arm hydrometer and a glass hydrometer. Both say the same things so i think they are pretty accurate. I know i should be using a refractometer, but no stores around me sell them.


Staff member
Tang, I seriously doubt if either is accurate, thus you see ich still bothering your fish. If you have a swing arm that is measuring the same as your glass, then I know you are wasting time.
Please go to ---- and buy a refractometer for around $50! Don't think that refracts are only useful for hypo. Nothing can be further from the truth. Water quality is to fish what air is to us. We need to get specific with specific gravity and not take it so ligthtly. I have tested 2 common name-brand swingarms and both were so OFF that they were not even in the ballbark for the target you want to aim for for marine fishkeeping, let alone the very specific target you need for hypo.
Please go to ---- and get a refract.
ok im gonna buy a refactometer. I thought i heard somewhere though that the glass hydrometers were pretty accurate. but anyways thanks for the advice.:)
i just have one more question. my lfs has a pinpoint salinty monitor. are they as accurate as a refractometer? if what u say is really the problem then i really want to fix this soon, and if i buy a refractometer on the internet today then it probably wont ship until monday and i wont get it for at least a couple days after that.