Sick Angel


New Member
My angel was sitting on his back fins vertically. I noticed something was wrong and then he started spinning on the bottom. I put him in a QT tank and still the same.
temp 78.6
ph 8.0
nitrite 0
nitrate 80
sal 1.023
No white spots or goo. He hasn't been eating either and he is new to the tank. Any ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HappyTank3
My angel was sitting on his back fins vertically. I noticed something was wrong and then he started spinning on the bottom. I put him in a QT tank and still the same.
temp 78.6
ph 8.0
nitrite 0
nitrate 80
sal 1.023
No white spots or goo. He hasn't been eating either and he is new to the tank. Any ideas?

How new? Acclimation shock?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HappyTank3
3 days old.
Acclimation shock is possible, IMO. How new was the angel to the fish store? How did you acclimate it? Although 80ppm nitrates is tolerable in fish if it was a shock to him from 10 ppm to 80 this might be the trigger.


New Member
I added water to the bag a little at a time over the span of and hour and a half while he floated. First time doing this process. Also I added 3 fish within a week. I heard that was not good to do.
Ammonia is .25
Any way to stop him from spinning from shock or should I maybe think about putting him out of his misery???


New Member
There are (2) 3 stripe damsels, a cinnimon clown, a dusky jawfish and just a few snails, that I need to replenish. And the spinning angel :(


Originally Posted by HappyTank3
I added water to the bag a little at a time over the span of and hour and a half while he floated. First time doing this process. Also I added 3 fish within a week. I heard that was not good to do.
Ammonia is .25
Any way to stop him from spinning from shock or should I maybe think about putting him out of his misery???
No, don't put him out. Is the ammonia .25 in the display or in the quarantine tank? Was the quarantine tank cycled prior to you adding him?


Originally Posted by HappyTank3
There are (2) 3 stripe damsels, a cinnimon clown, a dusky jawfish and just a few snails, that I need to replenish. And the spinning angel :(
Keep him in the qt. The damsels will just pick at the fish if he isn't doing well. Do some water changes on the display to get the nitrate down.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, don't put him out. Is the ammonia .25 in the display or in the quarantine tank? Was the quarantine tank cycled prior to you adding him?
.25 in display tank. Yes, I think you're right about too much change in environment...maybe something I did wrong acclimating him. Argh, this is discouraging...he was my fav so far!


Originally Posted by HappyTank3
.25 in display tank. Yes, I think you're right about too much change in environment...maybe something I did wrong acclimating him. Argh, this is discouraging...he was my fav so far!
I understand that it is discouraging, but we can only learn from our mistakes and move forward. The acclimation would have been fine, although drip acclimation is better, if there were not other things going on in the tank. Your fish are used to the high nitrates, but a fish coming from the store is used to very little nitrate. The ammonia has to be brought down. How long was it that high? You can expect the fish not to eat until he is feeling better. Keep the lights to a minimum to reduce further stress. Be sure that the water conditions in the qt stays optimal.


New Member
It's okay thanks for you help though. I'm going to get some stuff straightened out with my tank before I mess with any more angels or more delicate fish. Livenlearn.