Sick black percula


I had seen my fish with 2 small white spots under his lip and figured he probably tried to eat a bristle worm and he probably got stung. Today I noticed my percs right side of his mouth is slightly swollen and his right gill is completely swollen. Tried to look in through his gill and it is white in there, just like the spots under his lip. He is breathing fast and his mouth does stay open. None of the other fish are infected (sixline, yellow dwarf angel, black sailfin blenny, and other black percula). Please help,
fish is swimming and eating just fine.


My fish doesn't have anything red under his gill or doesn't have a slime all over him. He's doing fine swimming around with the other black percula and seems to be eating like regular. I want to make sure I treat what ever that sickness it is before it kills him.


Staff member
I believe that it is a bacterial infection in the gill. I had the same thing happen to my clown, right after a bout with an agressive hippo. I didn't save him. Do you have at QT? If so, I would try Maracyn Two for SW fish.


I'm going to make a run and pick up some macaryn-2 tomorrow. Hopefully my perc will make it. Thanks for your help.