Sick Black tip starfish...Help!!


I picked up a black tip starfish yesterday. A couple hours after acclimating him, it made a nice home for itself on the side of the tank as opposed to just laying on the bottom.
This morning one of his legs loked a bit limp as it the rest of it was clung to th glass. Now it seems like its slime coat fell of since theirs a great deal of pinkish slime hanging off of him. not only that but their is a small hollow spot apearing in the center of him where you can see right through.
Is any of this a normal reaction for a stressed starfish, or is it genuinely sick/dying??
Please Help!!!


Active Member
it's not normal. have you ever treated your tank with ich medication?
how did you acclimate him? how long has your tank been up?


My tank's been up for about 2 years now. Its long since been cycled and its inhabitants appear quite happy. Except for the starfish of course. I did perform a treatment several months ago. But it did not contain any copper.
My LFS told be to toss the starfish since it was most likely dying. I'm just curious as to what may have caused this since I would like to keep starfish in this tank.


No way to tell with these guys, but my guess, although you can never be sure, is that your LFS acclimated it improperly and your move added to it's stress and it declined rapidly.
Don't chunk it, set it in the sun to dry out and you will have a nice little ornament.
What!! Wal-mart sells dried out starfishes!!