Sick blenny?


Ive had a lawnmower blenny in my 55g tank for about 3 months now. Very active and fun to watch. Lately i have noticed that much of his color from the back half of his body has faded away, from a darker brown to an opaque color. the front half of his body is still a brown but is also losing the once bold color of when i first bought him. Should I be worried that my blenny is becoming ill? :confused: He still is just as active and eats well. Any info to shed some light is appreciated


Active Member
If you have not added new fish to the tank recently, I probably would not be worried about infectious diseases.
What are you feeding the fish? Lawnmower blennies need a lot of algae in their diet. However, after they have been in your tank for a while, they will eat almost anything. Your loss of color could be due to a lack of algae in the diet.
Any chance of getting a picture?


He was the last fish i have added to my tank. I feed the fish in my tank omega one flakes, brine shimp, krill and algae flake food.
Will try to get a picture.


Active Member
I am not sure what is in the algae flake food. I would recommend trying to feed some nori (dried seaweed) on a clip and some spirulina. If you are primarily using flake food, formula 2 is a good choice for fish who need plants in their diet.


in the case you experience what I did, here's a little blenny ignored the nori on the clip for two weeks. Maybe longer....I dunno, anyway, one day he just started chowing down on it, so if you put something in on a clip, don't be alarmed if it takes time for him to accept it, just my experience. Ya, lotsa stuff went to waste when he was ignoring it, but now he loves it so it was worth it.


Staff member
Is he getting enough to eat? Is he skinny? Take a look at the LMB in the Diseased Fish Thread where you can see what malnutrition looks like.