sick blue chin trigger


Can someone please tell me what the hec is wrong with my trigger. About ten days ago he came up in what looked like a rash (see pic I have attached). The rash came and went in a matter of three hours.
Just to be on the safe side at the time I treated the trigger with a freshwater dip and treated with melafix.
All was well for a few days, then he seemed to become more and more lethargic. One week later he is barley moving. He locks himself in near the skimmer under the water current and doesnt move. When he does swim he seems very unbalanced and unco-ordinated. His colouring is back to normal and hasnt had any reemergence of the rash.
He has not been able to swim out and get food so I have been hand feeding him and his appetite is as good as ever. He is in a staple diet of prawn meat and commercial marine fish dinner.
He is in a 55 tank with a comet grouper, blue damsel and a flame hawk and three hermit crabs. They all get on extremely well and have been together for about three months (most recent edition was the hawkfish).
The wate levels are: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 10. Temp is 26'C and ph is 8.3. Im running a trickle filter and skimmer if its any help.
Did a partial water change yesterday and it didnt seem to make any difference.
All the other fish in the tank are healthy and showing no signs of disease or ill health.
If its any help his eyes persiodically seem to get a bit cloudy but it only lasts a few hours and then they clear up again.
I have tried running a week long treatment of melafix and primafix and it doesnt make any difference. Im inclined to think that its not diseased based due the fact that all the others are well and active, but I cant find anything else that may be the cause. His breathing is normal and he doesnt look bloated.
So please help!!