sick blue face


I recently recieved a blue face angel. His was in an agressive tank was getting his fins nipped at by 2 other fish. So now i put him in my 100g reef tank (w/ salfin tang, chromis, blue damsel, sixline wrasse, clown) but just the other day i noticed it look like a scale was starting to come up. So i placed him in a quarentine tank and treated him w/ K-myacin for 5 days. What else can i do to save him? Thanks


After being in the qt he still has some tatered fins but i assume it will take a while for it to grow back. My question are is K-myacin effecttive against fish tubclousis and what else can i do to improve his health. The water condidtions in the tank and are perfect. so i dont know waht else to do.


Staff member
Why do you think the fish has tuberculous? Are the "frayed" fins ragged, or have you noticed some new grow developing indicating healing? Use a magnifying glass to take a good look at him to note healing or specific problem areas.
Is the fish eating, swmming normally?


After checking he does have some new fin growth. He is swimming & eating normaly but he still has the shedding scale on his side.