sick Blue Hippo Tang


New Member
I've had this blue hippo tang for about 9 months.I noticed the other day that he is swimming sideways and i'ts like if he stops he will go right to the top of the tank. so to get some rest he will swim down to the live rock and layon his side so the rock keeps him from going up.Also his stomach seems to be enlarged.Need Help :notsure:


Originally Posted by jerk
I've had this blue hippo tang for about 9 months.I noticed the other day that he is swimming sideways and i'ts like if he stops he will go right to the top of the tank. so to get some rest he will swim down to the live rock and layon his side so the rock keeps him from going up.Also his stomach seems to be enlarged.Need Help :notsure:

did you check the water parameter: amonia ,nitrate if no i suggest to check it now.


Active Member
sounds like he has what is called bloat(dropsy) infection of the swim bladder( i may be wrong with the name but not the infection ) you will need to qt him for treatment if you have a 15 to 20 tank is best larger if you can but larger the qt (more space less tress on your fish)the more meds used per dosing. miracyn 1 or 2 you will need to check labeling for which is used for these symptoms or use in conjuction with the the stage hes at right now I dont think melafix will do the trick although it may I dont have any to double check for you but I would treat this asap.