Sick Blue Tang!!!


My setup:
ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates between 10 - 20
ph - 8.2
temp - 79
sg - 1.019
1 - Pacific Blue Tang
1 - Zebra Morrey
2 - Yellowtail Damsels
10 - Hermit crabs
10 - Astrea snails
a few bristleworms
Tank was a friends who had it for 3 years then we moved it to my place about 6 months ago. Haven't had any problems with it 'til now.
Yesterday morning I noticed my blue tang inside one of the caves. He was on his side with his face up against the cave wall. I just thought he was grazing on algea. But when I came back a few hours later, he was still in the same position. I watched him for a few minutes and at one point, my shadow must have spooked him, because he went nuts and flew across to the other side of the tank into the other cave. Then he just laid there on his side twitching. His breathing was rapid with heavy gill movement and his body had that dead fish curl to it. I thought for sure he was dying right there. A few minutes later, he picked himself up and moved around the cave alittle, then he went back to putting his face against the cave wall and sat there twitching. He just keeps repeating this pattern:
face against the wall and twitching,
going nuts darting across the tank to the other cave,
laying on his side with his body curled up and twitching,
seeming to recouperate and swimming around the cave,
then start the process over again.
He had been fine when I fed him first thing in the morning. Then I noticed him in the cave about an hour later. I normally feed him flake with occasional nori and pellets. I feed the eel shrimp, octopus and squid which the tang usually eats any scraps.
I had just fed the eel the night before, and shortly after I noticed the tang acting strange, I found a shrimp the eel have spit-up.
I was wondering if maybe the shrimp had been bad and the tang may have eaten some of it and gotten poisoned? Or is it something else?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
ghiggi, as I read your post the first thing that came to my mind was a food problem.
Had you left the shrimp out, or do you think it may have been spoiled?


I bought a tray of shrimp at the grocery store and froze it. Then I take out a few pieces at a time and put the rest back. These were the last few pieces from the batch. About 6 weeks old, but frozen the whole time. I don't know if shrimp can spoil when frozen or if maybe it got freezer burn. I was also thinking that maybe the eels digestive enzymes might have something to do with it.
The last time the eel spit-up anything was when we moved the tank. We figured it was just from the stress of the move that time. But none of the other tankmates had much of a problem.
Thanks for the reply,


Active Member
Fish can spoil in the freezer.
I have a friend who is a professor of food sciences. He has told me that the enzymes that break down fish are active (at a low level) even in the freezer. This in addition to the dehydration that occurs with the process of freezerburn. I am a little surprised that this happened after only six weeks but it is a possibility to explain your situation.
BTW, Welcome to the Boards!


Thanks for the info Doc,
He seems to be doing better today. He's not back to his normal active self, but he is leaving the cave and swimming around alittle before going back in.
I guess I'll start going to the local market and getting fresh shrimp as needed. It's more expensive, but it would make me feel alot better knowing it's fresh.