Sick Butterfly


Active Member
My longnose butterfly recently got ich and since I have a lot of invertebrates, (22 turbo snails, 12 blue leg crabs 10, 2 red leg hermit, 1 chocolate chip star, 1 blue starfish, 4 shrimp, 1 sea urchin and 4 sea anemones), I can't really put in any medication, so the people at my local fish store told me to put the fish in freshwater for 5 minutes to kill all the parasites on the fish. I tried this and the fish didn't look any better when I had put him back into the tank. Has anybody ever tried this before? And does it cure ich? :confused:


my long nose has the same thing but all i have been doin was i went and got to garlic things from the grocery store and peel put it in a cup with little water and mix it around and it dissapears but it does come back, but every time i feed them i put the garlic in, and it is doin better


Active Member
I guess the freshwater dip doesn't work very well. My butterfly seems to have lost the ich, but he is also dead. :( I am not sure if it was all the stress from being caught, put in freshwater then poured back into the tank, or if it was just too late to save him. I just wanted to warn anybody who thinks of doing a freshwater dip, you are risking the life of your fish. It may cure ich, but it may also end up killing the fish.