Sick Chromie


I have a green chromie that is acting strange. For the last few days it has remained in the top rear right corner. It seems to be eating, water levels are a bit off. Mitrates up around 30, and the gravity is ranging from 1.024 to .027, everything else tests fine. Water change is tomorrow. Rest of stock acting fine. It is part of a pair. Any thoughts. Pic included.


No, they have always done everything as a pair, the other one just hangs out now on the rock under the sick one.


The fluctuations in salinity along with the high nitrates are causing your fish considerable stress. The rest of the fish may have a healthier immune system so they are not effected as badly. Try to get your tank stable.


So I have gotten the water levels back to normal, the Sg is around 1.025, and the Nitrates are below 15, Ammonia and Nitrites are both 0, has been since shortly after the water change 4 days ago. Now the fish stays in the bottom corners of the tank, its color has turned a very bright light blue. Also it quite often looks as if it is having difficulty breathing. It shakes and convulses (for lack of a better term). Any thoughts?