sick clown fish


I got my clown fish about 3 weeks ago..and I see that one eye is getting alittle swollen..puffy...what can this be and how do I treat it.


Staff member
It could be an eye infection due to use of nets. Common problem with new fish.
What are your water readings and is this fish in a QT?


Staff member
Do a water change, then start soaking your fish food in garlic. Aside from that, not much else you can do wo a QT.


Staff member
That ammonia is likely to be the problem. Is this a new tank?? You really need to resolve that. Ammonia causes extreme or even lethal conditions in fish.
FRESH minced garilic from a real clove.


Active Member

Originally posted by Johnic
It is a new tank, the ammonia is too high ? I just feed them garlic..

The garlic will not help the ammonia problem. Let me repeat what Beth said. Ammonia can be toxic! This needs to be dealth with soon. Your options are to do large water changes or try a product which converts the ammonia to a less toxic form (e.g. AmQuel).
Did you cycle your tank for at least a month before you added fish?
You can either squeeze your own garlic oil or use a premixed product designed for marine aquaria. I use Kent's Garlic Extreme as a general tonic.


I cycled the tank...I also added Fritz Zyme to help the process. I'm not sure what is causing the Popeye..they didn't net the fish when I bought it..they captured it...
Will the popeye kill the fish


Active Member
One of my fish had popeye just a few weeks ago after I had to rearrange the tank to catch an unwanted fish. I cured it with just a large water change and the use of garlic.
If the popeye is caused by trauma alone, it will not kill the fish. However, it can lead to permanent blindness in that eye. If the popeye is caused by poor water quality, than other problems will often set in and can kill the fish.
A new tank will often have another minicycle (with another spike in ammonia and/or nitrite levels) whenever a new fish is added. That is why it is recommended to add fish very slowly and let the bacteria that were started in the cycle to keep up with the added wastes associated with more fish. Use the time to quarantine any new fish for ~3-4 weeks.


I think thats what happened...I lost the clown fish this morning..It was swimming in circles and floated to the top..I had to put it out it misery. I now only have two fish...should I add another clown or wait until the mini cycle is over. Will two fish be enough to keep the healthy bacteria up and running ?


Active Member
Don't add anything until the ammonia and nitrite levels are undetectable for at least a week or two. When you go to add your next fish, only add 1 at a time.
Do you quarantine? The several weeks between adding new fish is a perfect time to make sure the fish is healthy so you are less likely to deal with a disease in the future.


I have to set up a QT soon...I will wait until the levels are correct..has anyone used Fritzme before ? it jumpstarts the cycle. Also could the eratic ph levels in the beginning caused the popeye.