Sick Clown? Help please.


Hey all,
I posted this in the disease forum but wanted to post it here also in hopes that it would breed a response. I have a tank raised percula clown and it recently developed some white areas on it's belly (doesn't look like ick, it is more raised and oval shaped). In the link below, there is a pic.
He is eating and swimming fine, he only thing out of the ordinary is that some times he will stop and convulse pretty rapidly and then swim about as if nothing has happened. I already gave him a fresh water dip and that seemed to help out quite bit, but i don't want to stress him out to much. Any help would be awesome.


It looks more bacterial or fungal to me than a parasite. Paraite would have difined edges. If it is brooklynella you need to treat him asap. What else is in the tank?


We have another clownfish who shows no signs of disease. We also have two shrimp (fire and cleaner), 5 snails, a dozen scarlet hermits, and a purple urchin. We also have some green star polyps, sun coral, yellow fiji lether, zoos, and some mushrooms. Everything else in the tank is doing great. It's a 29 gallon. Here's the readings:
Calcium - 450ppm
PH - 8.2
Salinity - 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
We are doing weekly 10% water changes...just did another one this morning. We've also started feeding the clowns with a garlic mix. The sick one is in the formalin bath right now. I hope we've caught it early enough. Is there anything else you would recommend doing?