sick clown need help

ray fdny

New Member
here goes, i have a 50g breeder with an amiricle wet dry, a coralife skimmer, coralife uv sterilizer, about 65lbs of L/R 40 L/B of live sand the tank has been going about 2 months i have one clown one yellowbelly damsel 6 hermit crabs and 6 turbos... my clown has been in the tank about two weeks and was acting normall(eating swimming and allround happy looking) for about a week and a half for the past 3 or 4 days the fish has been in the same spot has labored breething and has not eaten that i know of... i switch between foods one day flakes one day myser shrimp(frozen)
s/g- 1.024
any input would help
ohh and i dont have a qt yet
please help dont know what to do