sick clown w/ black growth


Active Member
just saw my clown with this black growth on him around the growth the flesh is puffed up and red what the hell is it, he is still swimming around and eating


Staff member
So, you just noticed this today? Did it suddenly appear or has it been developing?
Are there any aggressive fish in the tank?
How is the fish doing aside from this? Eating, swimming, breathing?


Active Member
Beth i have no idea when it developed but last week he did not have it and he is eating all the food i put in the tank he is breathing fine and swimming around the tank like he always does and there is no aggressive fish in the tank i only have
2 firefish
1 cardinal fish
2 bannerfish


Staff member
I think that is an injury. Is that something growing over a wound or just something growing on the surface. Use a magnifying glass to take a close look.


Active Member
i went to my friends fish store and looked through a fish disease book and found a pic that looked just like it and its supposed to be fungus possible caused my long spine urchin now im medicating the qt with melafix