sick clown w/ black growth


Active Member
my clown has this black growth on him the flesh is puffy and red he is still swimming and eating he doesnt use hes fin anymore, i havent noitced it until i was doing a water change today what the hell is it????


Active Member
Myxobacteriosis isspots patches on the body this is a growth that looks like poop and the skin is swollen and red around it


Hey joker_ca, sorry to bother you. I would like to know on how you posted that picture? If you can please help me, that would be great.


Active Member
just to let you guys know im pretty sure around 90% sure that it is a fungus, i saw the exact same thing in book at my LFS he must have got stung by my urchin, hes still eating and swiimming:nervous:


Staff member
It is not likely a fungas since that is pretty rare with SWF. Why do you say he got stung by urchin? Was he attempting to host? That could exclain the rotted appearnace since urchin sting is rather toxic. The key is, is it getting bigger?