Sick Clown??

duke jjz

I just got a clown last night and this morning I woke up and can see little white bumps on the top of his head. Also, there is one near his mouth. Has anyone ever seen this? Is it Ich? The tank is a month old and has completed is cycle. I had 2 damsels in there but removed them once I saw the bumps on the clown. Any Ideas?? Thanks!


Staff member
It could well be ich. It is difficult to say from the picture. If it is ich, shortly the fish will be covered. Take a look at the twin clowns in the FAQ Thread that have ich.
Is the tank FO?

duke jjz

No, I have LR, 2 hermits, 2 camel shrimp and a crab along with the clown and a damsel. It has been a few days now and he has not developed any more spots. In fact the "bumps" are going down. I also noticed that some of the scales around his gills look as if pieces are missing...
I have noticed that he still is breathing pretty hard and has not eaten anything since I got him on Tuesday.
The good news is that he is swiming around now and looking better. Any advice?


Staff member
Unless you can put him in a QT for treatment, there really is not much that can be done. Add fresh minced garlic to soak fish food. Not much else to do.


Staff member
Soaking fish food in garlic [not flaked]. Garlic is a "natural" food immune booster, parasite repellent and it even has a mild antibiotic quality. Saying all that is ok, but it is really no cure for a real disease process. But with your current situation, without a QT, there is not much that you can do.