sick clown?????????


Active Member
i have a clown that i have had since i first started with swf. which has been a few months now. i have had several problems with fish that i bought at one store getting ick. this one being one of them( i dont go there anymore) the question i have is he just got over ick and now he has white all over his body it isnt like salt it is like a film. my lfs said it is probly just after math of the ick. could this be so or is it something else? they told me to to pimafix and milifix for 10 days. will this work any opinions? he is swimming and eating wonderfuly.


i suggest going to the disease forum and taking a look at some photos there. I saw a post there once that had pics of all sorts of stuff that clowns can get. I remember seeing a pic of that white slime there. Go check it out. I would qt hypo the fish though. Try that before meds.


Active Member
After all the shock of being treated for ick, there is a fungus that a fish can get from being stressed. I leaves a patch of a cotton like substance on its body. I am not sure what its called but i had a fish fall victim to it. Talking to some one more knowledgable about disese is a def a better way to go.


Active Member
i looked on the disease form, and it looks the most like brooknyalla(sp) but when i have spoke to others they said if it was that he would have died long ago from that. everyone i spoke with said that is a fast killing disease and they just last a few days with that. i have had him for a while and he has looked that this most of that time. it will go away then it just comes back. is there anything else it could be? what should i do?????


Active Member
Have you been doing alot of moving around in your tank? Moving live rock around rearranging things? If so does your clown hide when you do. Sometimes they beat themselves up against the LR when you do that. They can get conditions similar to a disese like tail and fin rot, or whitish splotches on them. They are more like abrasions that a sickness, although the abrasions can get infected and lead to sickness. IMO best to leave him alone and see if it clears up. Also fish can get sick similar to like us getting a cold, and the only thing you can do is make sure your water is good levels are on and see if he kicks it on his own. There maybe someone else waay more experienced in this than me but my LFS has 2 biologists working for them and my Royal Gramma showed signs of disese it was just her getting beat up against the LR. They recomended to obeserve and see if things get better. If they get worse to address it them. Sometimes it can take up to 6 weeks for the abrasions to go away and the fish to look normal. But behavior and eating habits are most crucial. GOod luck