Sick Clown


New Member
Let me try this again. I posted this last night and am a little dissapointed that I haven't received a reply. New member here. Been perusing the various message board topics (for hours!) and am truly impressed. I'm relatively new to the saltwater/reef scene (tank has been up since this past April) and have just recently begun adding fish. I have a 75G reef set-up and am utilizing an EcoSystem sump/refugium for filtration. All water parameters are right on the money. The problem is with a Percula Clown I purchased about a month and a half ago. He looked great when I got him and even considered not QT'ing him. I did however, and after 3 weeks in QT, I introduced him to the main tank. Within about a week to ten days I noticed a small white tuft emerging from his right cheek and immediately put him back into quarantine, dosing with coppersafe. The tuft seemed to be disappearing and I had figured that in a week or so I would re-introduce hime back to the main tank. A couple of days later more tufts appeared on his other side. I have continued treatment, and although the malady hasn't seemed to spread any further, neither does it appear to be improving. He eats well, does not exhibit labored breathing and is neither listless nor hyper. I'm attaching a pic (not very sharp, as he refuses to sit for a pose). Any thoughts regarding my dilemma would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
A little more in the way of specifics:
Temp: 79
SG: 1.027
ALK: 3
KH: 8
pH: 8.21
NO2: 0
NO3: 10
NH3: 0
PO4: 0
CA: 470
Iodine: .06
Feeding Formula 1 frozen; TetraMarine granules; Ocean Nutrition Shrimp plus; Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef.


Staff member
Is that a discoloration of the fish's skin, or something actually growing on the fish? Does it appear like it is peeling off? What is this fish's diet?
If the fish is not in the QT now, go ahead and return him to the QT. I would begin an antibiotic treatment using Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish. Double dose for 7 days. Just before each redose, do a water change to maintain water quality.
I'm going to see if we can't get Terry's attention. Perhap formalin bathes are also in order here.


New Member
Thanks Beth
Definately cauliflower type growths, still in QT, feeding Brine Shrimp Plus and Prime Reef (both flake) and Tetra Marine Granules.
I originally treated with Coppersafe and got what I thought were good results. As I mentioned in my initial post, just before I was going to put him back in population, I noticed additional outbreaks on other side and at tip of dorsal fin. Tried alternating Maracyn (not 2) Maracide and Maroxy. Tank is clean and water changes performed religiously. Bumped water temp up to 80 from 77. Last night I gradually diluted SG down from .026 to .015 and figured I'd try and shoot for .009 tonight. His color is good, respiration is normal, is neither lethargic or hyper, does not seem to favor either the top or bottom of tank and eats well. I put a couple of rocks in the QT to see if he would use them to rub against, but haven't seen him use them.