Sick Clownfish Question



So I have two False P Clownfish. The bigger one developed some sort of white parasite looking thing on the edge of its gill a couple of weeks ago. Given the white thing looked bigger than what I have heard Ich looks like, I had no idea what it was. I started feeding Metronidazol mixed with frozen food per my LFS' suggestion.
After a week the only change was that there are now several smaller spots on her side behind her gills (which do look like ich) and a similar white something hanging under the "chin" of the smaller clown. I tore down half of my tank to get them out and gave them a 1 hour Parachem dip (3 ML in a gallon). I put them in a breeder box back in the tank overnight. When I saw no change after the next day I tried a 5 minute fresh water dip (with the PH adjusted to match the tank) the next day. Neither of these treatments seemed to have an effect at all.
Yesterday I fresh-water dipped them for 8 minutes and them put them in quaratine with water from my DT and some live rock. I added 3 mL of Parachem to the 6g QT. They are still swimming around and very active, but are not interested in eating. What else can I do? I have ot go out of town this weekend and am worried about leaving them in my small QT. Anyone have ideas on what it could be?


Post this under Disease fish and Treatment section.
Check out the top 2 post of that section to see if anything there looks like what your fish have. I'm sure Beth can answer any questions you have.