I am not sure if my clownfish is sick or not. I have a 65 gallon tank with good water, the nitrites were a little high, but nothing to worry about, but for good measure I did a 20% water change. I have had the tank for 3 months and a pair of perc clownfish for a month. One clownfish is showing rapid breathing and his appetite has slown down for about two days. I recently added a pair of O. clownfish. Maybe that's where his stress started? Is the P. clownfish more or less aggressive than the O. clownfish? Was I right in putting the fish in QT? Sometimes he seems fine, other times he looks like he's "drifting" at the top of the tank-a little on his side.
What should I do? Other than my angelfish, he's my longest resident. Thanks for your help
:nervous: :help: :notsure: :scared:
What should I do? Other than my angelfish, he's my longest resident. Thanks for your help
:nervous: :help: :notsure: :scared: