sick clownfish??


I am not sure if my clownfish is sick or not. I have a 65 gallon tank with good water, the nitrites were a little high, but nothing to worry about, but for good measure I did a 20% water change. I have had the tank for 3 months and a pair of perc clownfish for a month. One clownfish is showing rapid breathing and his appetite has slown down for about two days. I recently added a pair of O. clownfish. Maybe that's where his stress started? Is the P. clownfish more or less aggressive than the O. clownfish? Was I right in putting the fish in QT? Sometimes he seems fine, other times he looks like he's "drifting" at the top of the tank-a little on his side.
What should I do? Other than my angelfish, he's my longest resident. Thanks for your help
:nervous: :help: :notsure: :confused: :scared:


Active Member
nitrites are very toxic and should be at zero for fish, fish can tolerate a little nitrates but the less the better. i would take a sample to the nearest LFS and let them do a battery of tests to see if its the same as yours. to me it sounds like a water quality problem. whats your salinity at?


Active Member

Originally posted by SDS
I have had the tank for 3 months and a pair of perc clownfish for a month. I recently added a pair of O. clownfish. Maybe that's where his stress started? Is the P. clownfish more or less aggressive than the O. clownfish?

I think your problem is a compatibility issue. Multiple clownfish species will not coexist (except perhaps as juveniles). They will fight. This causes a lot of stress for the less dominant fish.
Separating them is the best idea. Hopefully that will perk your fish up (if that is the only problem).


I did place the clownfish in QT before the display tank. Now all he does is hover close to the bottom of the tank and he hasn't eaten in 2 or 3 days. I've had this one for little over a month.
I've tried to treat the QT with medication, but it doesn't seeem like it's helping.
Are his days numbered? He wasn't looking all that great this morning and when I tapped the glass to try to get him to move, all he did was twitch.


I started treating with Maracyn-2 last night. At least this morning he looked a little better. The directions said to put in two tablets for every 20 gallons for the first day. The rest of the duration, put one tablet for every 10 gallons. My QT is only 10 gallons, and I have been putting only one tablet in. Is this what I should be doing?
Also, where can I get the formalin dip at?
Thanks Terry for your help!!!!