Sick Clownfish...


My clownfish is sick with white spots on him... just in the past couple hours i have noticed loss of appetite.... can i give him a freshwater bath? or is that certain death?!?!?!?! :help: :help:


check out some of the archived disease threads, it may be ich or brookylena (spelling?) you will find what you are looking for there.


dude!!! i had the same prob!!!!mine was just under stress ....a lot wat i did was just well this may sound stupid but i didnt feed hime for one day then he ate but still spots.i just got net and put him in my qurtine tank

reef diver

Active Member
It is either ich or brooklynella. A freshwater dip will help with brooklynella a bit, but not at all with ich. Check teh fish disease thread in the archives to ID it. In any case, move the fish immediately to your quarantine. Try feeding it something special, like a tiny piece of raw shrimp, or raw squid. DO NOT TREAT WITHOUT CONSULTING THE DISEASE THREAD