I was just doing a water change on my tank and noticed that my comet grouper isn't looking the best. He is hiding more than usual and he is breathing heavily. He also seems to be lying lsightly on his side. His colour is a bit pale but still eating.
Water parametres are all fine (ammo 0.25 nitries 0 and nitrates 10). I have about 20 kgs of live roock, all of whoch has been in there for about 6 months.
I have in the same tank 2 maroon clowns with a BTA and 2 blue damsels. They are all fine and healthy.
They are being fed a mixture of brine and mysis shrimp.
In the mean time I have removed the carbon and put the tank on a course of Melafix.
I did notice if its any help when I was doing the water change that there was a crab in there which I didn;t know there was. I was wondering if it was possible that the crab had been niping the comets fins but they appear to be intact.
Any ideas? I love the fish and don't want it to dye.
Water parametres are all fine (ammo 0.25 nitries 0 and nitrates 10). I have about 20 kgs of live roock, all of whoch has been in there for about 6 months.
I have in the same tank 2 maroon clowns with a BTA and 2 blue damsels. They are all fine and healthy.
They are being fed a mixture of brine and mysis shrimp.
In the mean time I have removed the carbon and put the tank on a course of Melafix.
I did notice if its any help when I was doing the water change that there was a crab in there which I didn;t know there was. I was wondering if it was possible that the crab had been niping the comets fins but they appear to be intact.
Any ideas? I love the fish and don't want it to dye.