sick coral beauty


I have a coral beauty that, for the past week, has had what looked like an injured fin-it was shredded up a bit and looked a little white where it meets her body. It does not seem to be healing and I now noticed her tail has the same thing-its shredded and has a white patch on it. I thought it was a bacterial infection. Because I didnt want to tear up my reef to try to catch her, I just began treating the whole tank w/maracyn. (for 3 days) Bad idea-I now know-I have .25 ammonia in the tank due to the antibiotics killing the good stuff. I put nitromax in tonight to help and did a 1/4 water change earlier-so far, no change. She is eating like a pig and is active, although she baby's her fin and doesn't use it. Possible fungal infection? Any chance of her healing on her own? Last resort, I take the reef apart to catch her and put her in my qt. The only change I noticed in my tank was about a week and a half ago, due to the weather, my temp jumped from 79 to 84 degrees. water is at .023/0 nitrites, and .25 ammonia. My ph is down to 7.7 from about 8.2. Any info would be great-Thanks


Staff member
NEVER put medications of any kind in a reef tank? How are your inverts doing? Do a larger water change.
You have to set up a Qurantine Tank for sick fish. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, and read the long posts on QT.


Everything is fine-and I do have a qt tank, I just cant catch her. I tried again today and all I did was make a mess. I was hoping Id wear her out but it didnt work. Any suggestions on that? I was planning to move my tank in about a week so I will have to take it apart and I can get her out then. Hopefully she'll be ok till then. I have a different antibiotic I picked up today-w/3 different meds in it for bacterial and fungal infections. Im ready to treat as soon as I can get her out.


Staff member
Can you up the move date for the tank? What antibiotics do plan to use?


Unfortunately, I cant move it for about another week. I am having a stand built for me that isnt done yet. But that doesn't matter now-my husband and I " tag teamed"-each with a big net. We did catch her and we both ended up soaked in the process. Her eye is now clouded over but she is still active and eating. I was at work yesterday when I posted my last message and couldnt remember the name of the med-it's furan-2. I also did another water change last night along with adding a big piece of new live rock and the ammonia is gone-everyone is fine. Hopefully this med does the trick. Still not sure what she has.


Staff member
Netting fish usually cause eye infections.
Better to use Maracyn Two for SW fish as an antibiotic. Also, just before the redose of any antibiotic, do a water change.