I have a coral beauty that, for the past week, has had what looked like an injured fin-it was shredded up a bit and looked a little white where it meets her body. It does not seem to be healing and I now noticed her tail has the same thing-its shredded and has a white patch on it. I thought it was a bacterial infection. Because I didnt want to tear up my reef to try to catch her, I just began treating the whole tank w/maracyn. (for 3 days) Bad idea-I now know-I have .25 ammonia in the tank due to the antibiotics killing the good stuff. I put nitromax in tonight to help and did a 1/4 water change earlier-so far, no change. She is eating like a pig and is active, although she baby's her fin and doesn't use it. Possible fungal infection? Any chance of her healing on her own? Last resort, I take the reef apart to catch her and put her in my qt. The only change I noticed in my tank was about a week and a half ago, due to the weather, my temp jumped from 79 to 84 degrees. water is at .023/0 nitrites, and .25 ammonia. My ph is down to 7.7 from about 8.2. Any info would be great-Thanks