I was wondering if anyone could help me with my diamond goby. I have had him for about 3 weeks and he has been doing great up til 2 days ago. when I first got him he had a tiny pink spot about half way down his side. I thought he had just bumped into some of the live rock when he got in the tank because he was nervous. After a few days that spot went away so I thought nothing of it. He was eating great and found a nice hole under some rock and would pop out to clean the sand from time to time. 2 days ago he stopped eating and coming out of his home. He would come out at night only. Also, he started huffing and puffing. Today he tried to jump out of the tank, but I have a cover on it and he bugged out for a few minutes only to return to the bottom. He does not have any spots, his eyes are not cloudy and his fins look good. The yellow tang started swimming by him a bit but I don't think he hurt him as he has never bothered him and there aren't any wounds. Could he have some kind of internal parasite? If so, what can I treat him with? I have 2 clowns, a green chromis, a black and white damsel, the tang and him in a 40 gallon tank. Water quality is good with 79 temp, 1.023-24, no high signs of nitrite, nitrate or amonia. I changed the water prior to him entering the tank and changed it a few days before he got sick. The tank has been up and running for 3+ months and all the other fish look and act as healthy as can be. I also have 4-6 hermit crabs, 4 shrimp, 2 camel and 2 peppermint, and about 10 or so snails. Hope this is enough information so you can help.