Sick Dogface Puffer


Two days ago I notice my puffer eyes very cloudy and he puffs
up a lot lately. he look as if he is blind.......please advise to treatment....
I have a 10 gal quartine tank up and running, so last night i put the puffer in there. The sanlity is 1.020 and ph is 8.0. Base on the
hyposanlity treatment over 48 hours i should drop the sanlity to
1.009 and balance the ph by adding ph buffer. My 2nd question is do i add any forms of medication to the quartine tank? or just continue to do small w/c until sanlity gets to 1.009....


Active Member
Most times, cloudy eyes are a result of less than pristine water. Check all of your levels and feel free to post them if you'd like. :)
Cloudy eyes are often a secondary infection contracted while the "main" problem is weakening the fish. However, if your fish just has the cloudy eyes, it is most likely a result of the water quality or he could have injured himself (i.e. running into things, thus injuring the eyes).
Hope this helps!


Hey lefty thanks for the information but I think it is more than that...I am at work now but later i will check my water and post the readings.....He has slime on some parts of his body and both
eyes very cloudy......