Sick Emperor Need Help


I got an Emperor Angel, and according to the guy who gave it to me it has "hole in the head", some sort of disease. He said I dont need to medicate just good water and proper diet. What should I do? What is this disease? What am I looking for in the fish? His color is really white twords his head and mouth, other than that the fish looks fine, any ideas?


Active Member
Hum.. Never Heard Of That Before.. Maybe He Ment Hlle... Anyhow.. Look In The Deseas Forum.. And Look At The Info Trend.. Beth Has Basically All U Need To Know About Curing Sick Fish.. Also Nice Pics And Detaild Discriptions..


Active Member
He is talking about head and lateral line, it is called hole in head sometimes.
A varied diet with lots of vitamins (zoe, or something like that), lots of algae and good meaty foods (like shrimp, squid, clams etc)
Also be sure you have a grounding probe in your tank, some think that stray voltage causes it also.


Thats what he was talking about. My tanks is good and I bought formula two frozen alge with vitamins and nutrients. I'm also using brine and mesis (sp), as well as omega 1 flake. It should be a good diet for it. I'm just wondering if it can spread to my other fish. The emperor was abused and in really bad conditions. If I didn't take it it was going to be flushed and I couldnt let it die. I will post pics of the fish tomorrow. Thanks.


Active Member
The same people who make formuala Two makes a Formula Angel w/sponge...Get that..
Emporers require Sponges in thier diet as well.