Sick fish and live rock?


I was wondering about having live rock in my tank when one of my fish get sick. Can I just treat the whole tank, or not? I don't really have the money to go with a hospital tank as of now, so what are your ideas?
Also if I do get live rock, when I am I maturing my tank do I but my live rock in before or after? And do I but it all in at once or little by little? So many questions! :) Thanks for all your help!


best bet is to put your live rock in at the beginning of setting up it will help get your cycle started and going,
when treating a sick fish u can not treat it with 99% of the stuff out there when it is in a reef tank / live rock most stuff will kill of life on the rock u can give it food soaked in garlic that is ok


Active Member
You cannot treat a tank with LR and LS, you have to use a hospital tank, (this can be as simple as a 10gal aquarium with a sponge filter and some pvc tubes, and can be set up on an as needed basis). The best thing to do is put the fish through a three week quarantine before you ever put it in the tank.
The best thing to do when putting LR in the tank is to buy it all and put it in before you cycle the tank, the LR will help the tank cycle and establish a biological filter. If you cannot afford to do this or if you already have cycled the tank and have livestock in it, you can add fully cured (at the LFS and been cured for a while) rock one piece at a time a week apart.