Sick Fish Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Help please!!!!.. I have a 75 gallon tank.
Yesterday while doing a water change, I noticed that my Bat fish had a white looking spot on his side and his eyes were cloudy. Not little white spots, but a spot that looked like a patch of white dust.
We read in one of our aquarium books to put the sick fish in Freshwater for 2 minutes.
We did this and the white spot formed like salt flakes and began popping off of him.
We then put him back in the tank, as I do not have any other tank , only our one.
1) what could this be? Ick?
2) How do we treat it? Copper?????
3)Can I treat the sick fish in the same tank with my other fish?
4) Will my other fish get this???
Help please,, I feel sooo bad,,, bummer deal


Well,you should really post this in disease and treatment.A batfish in a 75??You do plan on upgrading,right?What are its tankmates and do you have live rock and/or inverts?If so,you can't use copper.Copper won't work for cloudy eyes anyway.What are your water parameters?


It is strongly recommended that you do not use any kind of copper based medical treatment in your main tank if it includes invertebrates. Furthermore, treating healthy fish is not a good thing. What I suggest is that you get a hospital tank and treat the fish in there. Don't get anything smaller then 10 gallons because most treatments need 10 gallons. Anything less will intensify the medication and possibly kill the fish, or not treat it effectively. Or you could wait awhile and see, because I always have a Damsel that has white spots all over him in the morning. When I get home though they are gone and I think it's because he sleeps near a skimmer and gets lots of the smaller bubbles that stick to him. Read up on what to do about ick on Diesease and Treatment forum. :D