Sick fish need help ASAP!!


My girlfriend bough a pink square anthias from a LFS about a week ago. Since then I haven't noticed it eating at all. It would constantly be scratching itself up on my live rock. ( About 20lbs of Live rock was added to the tank during this time frame.) Yesterday I noticed a patch of dark raised scales, almost resembling a tick, on its side. At the same time I noticed a white film on my perc clown's underside. I immediately tested the water and saw that my nitrates were a bit high, I assumed it was from some die off of the Live rock. I performed a 20 percent water change and all the fish looked happy, but the anthias still wouldn't eat. When I came home from work today I saw that my perc clown was dead. I've had the clown for almost a year now, and he was the most lively fish in the tank.
Could the anthias have been sick all along and infected the tank. I am very worried that the rest of my tank might meet the same fate as the clownfish.
I'm not sure what the black spot on the anthias could be a symptom of. And I most especially unsure of how my clown became sick and died so abruptly.
Please help!!!


Staff member
Originally Posted by Chankanaab
I think you should post your water parameters. Also do you have a QT tank ?
Yes, do. Live rock should be cured prior to going into a tank with live animals, btw.


The Live rock was cured before I purchased it. As far as the water quality is concerned. My Ph is about 8.1, Nitrites are just a litter over 0ppm. The same applies for the Ammonia. My salinity is at 1.024. The onlythinkg that is still a little high is my nitrates which are still hovering at about 50-60ppm.
I hope this information helps. I don't have a gh testing kit so I can't give you that info.


Staff member
If live rock is cured at the fish store, it is no longer 100% cured by the time you get it home. You need to keep it in a bucket with powerheads and heated (if necessary) for a day or two. The reason you have any ammonia or nitrites, seems to be the live rock, unless you had this problem before?
I suggest doing small daily water changes with aged water until your water parameters stabilize. ANY ammonia or nitrite is a problem for marine animals.