Sick Hippo Please Help


Can someone please tell me what this is. And if it is contagious.

Both Tangs were Q for six weeks prior to being interduced into the tank. They have been in the tank for about a week and a half. No other tank mates except a few hermits and a CH Starfish


Active Member
Almost looks like an injury to me, unless anyone else has seen this before. Do you have any hard, porous rock (more so than live rock) in the tank like lava rock?


Nope. nothing like that in the tank. He was in great shape when I put him in. Close up it look kind of looks pruny.. I really dont know.


The tank is a 125 gal
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
PH 7.9
Temp 75 F
Also thr fish is eating well and activly swimming all day long


Originally Posted by 987654321
Nope. nothing like that in the tank. He was in great shape when I put him in. Close up it look kind of looks pruny.. I really dont know.
The rocks in the picture are extremely jagged looking. What do you mean it looks pruny? Can you describe that more? Is the area red at all? How is he eating and acting otherwise?


Buy that I mean the body is srunk in in his belly area, not sooth. I have had the same rocks for 3+ years now and they have never seemed to bother anyother fish. It really doesnt look like he hurt himself. Ill try and get some better picutres. He is still very active
What you see in the background in these pictures are not rocks. It a ship.


Has he been eating? If so, what has he been eating? Is the area red at all? I do see that he was between the pieces of the ship in the picture. I was asking about them being jagged because tangs like to wedge themselves into crevices when they feel threatened. Anything with a jagged edge can easily cut them. You are saying that it does not look like an injury though. Take a look around the area and see if there is any redness. Does the other tang have any marks on him? What other fish do you have?


Staff member
Is that raised at all? Is it an open wound? How long did it take to develop?


They have been eating chopped raw shrimp, myisis, and seaweed strips. They have both been eating very well. The smaller Hippo is fine. They are both getting used to the tank and are swimming around all day. They even stay out when we walk up to the tank now. Like I said very active.
I see no redness anywere. Im going to try and get a good close up picture. Its hard though because they dont stop moving.
I see what your talking about with the sharp edges. However I dont belive thats what is going on. I was thinking it was some type of fungus or something.


Staff member
So, did that size suddenly appear, or has it grown from a small area to this size over time?

al mc

Active Member
Beth...Almost looks like a burn. These guys love to wedge themselves into small spaces...possibly between the heater and the glass? Just a thought..


It seems like it has gotten bigger. It didnt appear all at once. And it is on both sides of his belly. As well as under his left eye and by his tail on the left side.
He was hanging out by the heater in thr QT. But this happened after he is put into the display. Unless it just took a little while to show up.


Keep a close eye on it. Fungal infections rarely occur with salt water fish. It could become bacterial if it is open. If that happens, it will turn red. If it starts to get larger then you may have to pull him out and treat him in the qt.


How should I treat him? Im not even sure whats really wrong..
Im not opposed to putting him back in the QT. Catching him will be tricky though.


Originally Posted by 987654321
How should I treat him? Im not even sure whats really wrong..
Im not opposed to putting him back in the QT. Catching him will be tricky though.
I don't realy see a reason to treat him at the moment. If it gets infected then you can treat him with Maracyn 2 for SW fish.


Active Member
If you can't figure out what it is, and it doesn't go bacterial, I'd personally just feed with vitamins like Selcon or Zoecon and keep a close eye on it. If you do need to take him out for QT, go after him at night; trust me, that's the best time to catch a hippo tang - they're too fast when they're awake.


I really apprceate the help guys. I went to the store and got some Kordon's Rid*Fungus. It says it is good for a full range of single-celled external protozoan and dinoflagellate infections. Im not sure what that really means but it says it wont hurt inverts or live rock. What do you guys think?