Sick Huma Trigger


I recently got a new Huma trigger. I know I should have quarantined him in a QT but I don't have one. I noticed last night that his top trigger fin was really scraped up and later I noticed him scratching the fin on the rocks in the tank. I see no other signs of saltwater ich and I have a blue tang that would have shown signs of it first anyway. I have a 75 gal. tank with a wet/dry sump containing bio-balls. I am hooking up a 15 W UV sterilizer today. I have no live rock or sand (fish only). I have treated with copper for ich about 4 months ago. I hope this is enough info for you guys to help me. Other than the scratching I saw no other unusual behavior (no heavy breathing, lack of eating, etc.).


The tang never had the ich. He is a more recent addition to my tank. The ich has been gone for four months and I do not think that is why the Huma is scratching. I think he has either hurt his fin and it is itching or he has some other problem I don't know about. Any input is appreciated.


Staff member
Yes, it could well be an injury. Is the fins worn or ragged? It could be that fish is not getting adequate nurishment, in which case the top fin would likely show signs of deterioration.
Try using zoecon soaked food. what are you feeding this fish?
The problem may require antibiotics, in which case, I'll wait for Terry's opinion on which anitibitics to use.


I am feeding him plankton and mysis shrimp soaked in zoe and zoecon. Occaisionally I will give him a prawn but he is still small (2.5"). I only recently got him (this weekend). The fish store said they would feed him formula one food. I am not sure what is in that. Yes, the top fin is worn and ragged, but that is the only place deterioration is present.


My tank has been up and running for a year. It has always been healthy other than the bout with ich. My ammonia is 0, nitrates and nitrites 0, ph 8.1, salinity 1.021. I have four large coral skeletons as decorations. Other inhabitants and time in the tank include: coral beauty (3") 8 mo, blue tang (1") 1 mo, clown trigger (1") 1 mo., Valentini Puffer (3") 1 mo. Hopefully this additional information will be helpful.


Staff member
So, you got the fish in this condition, or did it happen since you got him??
I would follow what I suggested and try the zoecon. I would also add more varity to the fish menu. I make my own foods, and a have found that fish do very well on homemade foods...particularly fish that have nutritional problems.


I am guessing that I got the fish in this condition although I did not notice it until last night. I have some silversides and sand eels that I could chop up to feed him but I believe they are too big to feed him whole. Other than that what would you reccommend? I was thinking possibly squid. Thanks for all your help.