Sick Lionfish


I have a volitan lionfish that i've had about 5 months. He hasn't eaten in like a week but was looking and acting fine then tonite when I got home his stomach looks bloated?? like i said he stopped eating also. He was eating a diet of krill, brine, flake food and beef heart. Any ideas?? :confused:


my water parms are normal
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 20
salinity 1.022
temp 80
ph 8.0
His tank mates are 1 snowflake eel and 1 niger trigger fish and he is not being picked on. he's about 3-4 inches long. i'll try the water change. would posting a pic help??


i was feeding every other day, 2-3 krills, or beefheart was individually frozen small cubes, was giving one cube cut up into small pieces. should i be doing anything else besides a water change??


I just did a 60% water change on the tank. Just finished. Should I try doing anything else?? I've been leaving the lights off also to keep him calmer. thanks.


I've been following your directions with the maracyn 2 , in a 10 gallon QT, for 2 days now and it doesn't seem to be helping??? Does this mean it's an impaction? Is there anything else i could or should be doing?? Thank you soo much. :confused: