Sick Maroon


This afternoon I was looking and notice my Maroon Clown has white spots on him but they do not look like ick. They sort of look like bumps not parasites. They also have a kinda fuzzy apperance. Whater test great and only new addition to takn is three real small anemone I got for free. I put them in the tank three days ago. Please help!
Thanks in advance:help:


He is staying hid in the rocks but as far as I can tell they ar a little bigger than ich on his head and body. He is keeping in dorsal fin curled to the side. Still eating. They look like pimples.


I do have QT. I just got a better look at him and his eyes are cloudy and the spots have gottem worse. Do you think I should treat with something.


Staff member
This sounds like ich to me....including the cloudy eyes. All fish need to be treated.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is a post on hyposalinity which is the correct procedure. You need to have a refractometer or a quality glass hydrometer for this procedure. Absolutely no swing-arm plastic hydrometers. In fact, plastic hydrometers are worthless for measuring correct specfic gravity/salinity in any application within the hobby.


Thanks I have both my fish in the QT and started the hypo. I do have a refractor. The Angel shows no signs of any thing and the Maroon looked better this morning before I even transfer
them. Do you know why? Is three weeks in hypo long enough?
Thanks for the help. :thinking:


Staff member
The procedure for hypo is thoroghly detailed in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. Please follow those directions exactly.
Ich is a cyclical parasite. Thus, you may not see the parasite on your fish at the moment, but they will return.