sick naso tang


beth i have a large naso tang that i have been qt for about a week he started with ick i'm just now trying to get the salinity doun to 1.009, i'm down to 1.015 and this morning he has been swimming with his nose down is starting to shed a outside layer of skin, kinda like when you get a sun burn and your skin peels. i hadn't heard of this before so i thought i would ask. what do you think.


Staff member
Have you been adjusting the pH on the hypo water as you lower the salinity?
What are the water readings in the QT?


all the water readings were good my ph was 8.0 but the tang has died so i guess it doesn't matter now.
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
amonia 0
was this just the final of stage of death because of the parasites, i was afraid maybe i was hypoing too quickly, this ws the first time i hasd tried it since i just recieved my fractometer, is more important i start before they start getting sick than after it has taken a hold on them. thanks for you helg


Staff member
If you followed the procedures outlined in the FAQ Thread for hyposalinity, the fish should have done well with it. Something else must have been wrong that just went unidentified.
Sorry this happened.