Sick Percula


Hellow I have a sick percula , it started out as three little white spots behind the mouth and on the chin. Two days later it has turned into one larger white bump, with a black dot in the middle. it looks like a white clumpy zit. Dose anyone know what that is? Sorry I dont' have any pictures


even better if you have any pictures of maybe the same thing that would be much apreciated also


forgot to mention, that it is in a qtank, and the fish is eating well still, and swimming normal. he is hiding a bit more but it also could be the stress of moving to the qtank


Staff member
I have heard of clowns with this and that most times it goes away on its own.
Do you have hiding spots for the clown in the QT? I would continue to keep the fish in QT maintaining excellent water quality.
What are you feeding the fish?


Thanks beth. I do have two flower pots in there to hide in , he/or she stayes close to one. I am feeding it a random combination, of frozen brine shrimp. freezedried krill, formula 2 flakes, formula 1 pellets, adn some o.s.i. flakes.
I heard that formalin baths may help. what do you think, is it better to let it go on its own for now.


Staff member
Is it getting bigger?
If you are going to attempt to threat the problem, you're going to have to move the fish to a QT. You can't chase a fish around in the display every time you need do a formalin bath.