Sick Porcupine Puffer


I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting, but....I went to my boyfriends house for a few hours and when I came back my little sister said she had fed my pufferfish and my eel. She said she fed them what they usually eat, frozen shrimp (thawed out of course) without the shell. Each got half. Now my puffer is acting very strange. He normally swims back and forth around the tank, and now he's kind of hovering in the same spot, over in the corner, and it kind of looks to me like he's breathing a little heavier than usual. Any puffer owners know what I'm talking about?


NEVERMIND! He broke out with ICH! Does anyone know how to treat a puffer's ich? I know that it's more complicated for them. Please help..


Active Member
Hyposalinity is the only way as Puffers do not have scales and cannot be treated with copper. You will need to set up a QT tank if you do not have one. Do a google on Hypo-salinity{Rob Toonen's article} or read Beth's sticky at the top of disease & treatment forum.