sick psuedo


my purple psuedochromis has like a white film over his body whith some blotches of white on him and his lower jaw is almost completely white all my other fish seem to be healthy its only him trying not to try and take him out cause i would have to disassemble my whole tank


Active Member
I was wondering why you asked if melafix was reef safe .from your discription the melafix should do the trick check your water paremeter make sure its all good b4 dosing the tank do water change if needed
remover carbons if you use them and dose for 7 days as directed


cause i have corals in my tank and a rose anemone and was just wondering if it would be ok to add my lfs said it would be fine but wanted a secind opinion
thanks for the reply


Active Member
yes i have used it in my reef tank many times in fact almost every time i add a new fish i add melafix to reduce stress in my new fish has not harmed anything in my tank anenome included